Milwaukee North Shore - On Point Realty LLC
4 lůžka
2 koupele
čtverečních stop
4125 W Freistadt Rd, Mequon, WI 53092
Increadible potential: generously sized home one a very nice lot with private access to the Milwaukee River. Bring your remodelling ideas and make this your dream home!
4125 W Freistadt Rd, Mequon, WI 53092
4 lůžka
2 koupele
čtverečních stop
Increadible potential: generously sized home one a very nice lot with private access to the Milwaukee River. Bring your remodelling ideas and make this your dream home!
Marcus Auerbach
Licenční číslo: WI 82189-94
Born in Austria, mechanical engineering degree, 20 years corporate management with a global manufacturer, accredited real estate investor, team owner and rainmaker and Top 1.5% agent in the nation by RealTrends 2022.
Máte zájem? Pojďme si promluvit!
Marcus Auerbach
Licenční číslo: WI 82189-94
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